我们欢迎与雇主和社区合作的机会. 我们可以通过多种方式与你联系并支持你.


提高你在校园里的知名度和品牌, 发布招聘广告, 招生, 在我们的招聘板上注册,搜索学生和校友的薪资. 熟悉我们的指导方针和政策.



作为全国大学和雇主协会(NACE)的成员, Anne Arundel 社区 College adheres to the NACE Principles for Ethical Professional Practice and expects our employers to follow these 的指导方针

  1. 雇主必须同意遵守所有地方、联邦和州法律. 确保雇主在登记表上写上EOE部分的首字母.
  2. AACC仔细审查雇主,以确保他们是合法的, 信誉良好,有合法的工作和/或实习机会,为学生提供专业成长.
  3. AACC工作人员必须通过电话与授权代表联系,才能获准进入.
  4. AACC只在有限的情况下与人力资源机构/第三方合作. NACE对第三方招聘人员的定义如下:“第三方招聘人员是中介机构, 组织, 或者个人招聘临时候选人, 非因个人需要而从事兼职或全职工作的机会. 这包括为盈利或非盈利而推荐或招募的实体, and it includes agencies that collect student information to be disclosed to employers for purposes of recruitment and employment."

a.   Staffing agencies must not require a financial investment or payment by the student or alumni for employment or placement. 在任何情况下都不应向学生或校友收取费用.

b.   人力资源机构必须清楚地表明其组织是人力资源机构.

c.   人力中介机构必须在所有招聘信息中注明他们招聘的公司名称.

d.   Staffing agencies may recruit only for clients they represent and each posting must clearly state that the position is being posted by the staffing agency on behalf of their identified client. Candidates’ names and/or résumés obtained for a job opening may not be used for subsequent job openings or for solicitation of employer clients, 除非已作出具体安排并经有关候选人同意.

5. AACC reserves the right to refuse service or posting to any employer if a review of the specific opportunity is inconsistent with the college’s academic offerings and/or degrees or certificates.

6. 非美国公民提交的注册.S. 在美国没有办公室的雇主.S. 不会被批准.

7. 企业 in the cannabis industry 不会被批准 while this industry is still illegal at the federal level.

8. 没有运营网站的雇主不能获得访问权限. AACC will review the employer’s website to confirm the employer’s status and protect against fraud or illegal activity and request additional information when necessary to ensure established criteria are met.

9. 雇主 must provide valid contact information and have an operational email with a business entity domain. 个人域名将不会被给予访问. 有P的商业地址.O. 箱子将不被批准.

10. AACC will not provide service to any employer requiring upfront payment of any kind or the purchase of products or work equipment/tools (with the possible exception of safety equipment, 如钢头靴).

11. AACC reviews each employer to determine if access will include ability to review students’ résumés and educational information.

12. AACC不为雇主推荐或选择候选人.

13. 批准一个账户发布工作/实习给雇主的限制是有限的, terminable right to access and use the online job board site only for internal business use to seek candidates for employment and scheduling interviews with the company being reviewed.

14. AACC将对所有在居民区注册的企业进行额外审查. 不得在住宅企业中工作, with the exception of home day care businesses that are licensed through the state and internships that meet the qualifications noted here. All postings approved for businesses registered at a residential location must state that the work will not be performed at the home of the business.

15. AACC does not send résumés or share any employer passwords to corporate “student ambassadors” or “student campus recruiters.”

16. AACC staff will make additional checks at some of the following sites to verify the legitimacy of the business entity: Maryland State Department of Assessment and Taxation, 美国国税局, Google, 联邦贸易委员会, 商业促进局, 各商会, 马里兰州劳工部, 许可, 和监管, 和/或专业组织.

17. 如果AACC员工更改了雇主的账户, the change must be authorized by the employer by phone or email and staff must document and date (including the year) the change in the notes section of the online job board.


  1. 帖子必须是真实的,当前的(全职,兼职,季节性),并与公司的产品/服务相关.
  2. Postings must contain sufficient detail to convey clearly to the job/internship seeker the nature and basic requirements of the opportunity and that the position is representative of the company and its products/services.
  3. 检查所使用的网站是否与雇主注册的网站相符. 检查/验证位置. 检查工资,包括初级工作是否符合联邦和适用州的最低工资标准.
  4. 检查职位是否有与该行业相关的法定语言.g.调酒).
  5. AACC will review each job/internship description for consistency with the college’s academic offerings and/or degrees or certificates. 如果工作人员需要额外的信息, 雇主必须提供所要求的信息才能发布该职位.
  6. Unpaid internship postings with for-profit businesses will be reviewed based on the length of time and whether the business has provided an articulable benefit to the student(s) and will be approved at the discretion of the AACC internship coordinator.
  7. 帖子或电子邮件通信不得包含任何露骨的色情内容, obscene, profane, libelous, 诽谤, 威胁, 骚扰, 或虐待.
  8. 以下工作/实习类型不被允许:
  • "Pyramid" or multilevel marketing structures requiring or encouraging the recruitment of others to sell products or services
  • 要求候选人购买或租用任何类型的销售工具或演示用品的工作
  • 要求应聘者支付参与费或培训费的工作
  • 需要在校园里招揽、销售或张贴材料、产品或服务的工作
  • 100%佣金职位
  • Jobs that violate the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and/or laws enforced by the Equal 就业 Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
  • 通过1099协议支付的合同职位,雇员是独立的承包商
  • 寻求居家、居家或个人服务的个人或家庭(例如.g.(保姆、老人看护、辅导)
  • 寻求志愿者的个人和组织 
  • 政治竞选工作

9. 还记得, 雇主不得将(或重新披露)学生信息传递给任何其他雇主或第三方, nor to others within the employer’s organization for any purpose other than employment purposes (EOE status may cover this also).


Reach out to students and county citizens to promote your organization’s needs and find volunteers who want to serve their community.

  • 成为服务学习的伙伴. AACC寻求与非营利组织合作和发展互利的伙伴关系. 你的志愿者需求会很好, 实践学习活动,为学生补充课堂学习. 各个学科的学生志愿者都可以单独参与短期志愿服务, 以小组或班级的形式来帮助满足你的组织在一个学期中的需求. 有兴趣成为官方合作伙伴? 电子邮件service-learning@aacc.开始吧.
  • 使用我们用来向学生推广志愿者机会的相同资源来寻找志愿者. 查看我们网站底部的这些资源 服务你的社区网页.


利用AACC学生的技能和才能,在短期内提升和发展您的组织, 基于工作的学习经历. 不管是任务还是项目, AACC可以帮助招聘潜在的实习候选人,以满足您的组织的需求. 萨班斯中心很乐意与您探讨选择,所以给我们发电子邮件 internships@shjingtedq.com 开始对话.


An internship is a monitored work experience that has intentional learning outcomes and goals for a student.


实习并不局限于对学生有益的升职助推器, 但是这些都是吸引人才的好方法. An internship provides you the opportunity to have additional support to help your business accomplish goals or finish projects. Hosting an intern allows you the option to audition up-and-coming talent and provide guidance and leadership to budding professionals without the commitment of permanent employment. 实习对企业和雇主和学生一样有利. 

当我们展望未来以及现场实习和亲身实习的不确定性时, 请知道,AACC希望继续探索有意义的合作方式. 我们的团队可以随时讨论您组织当前和发展中的需求, 并集思广益,探索AACC学生能够满足这些需求的方法.



  • 提供实习机会: 探索亲身体验和/或远程虚拟机会的选择.
  • 实习基本准则: 3学分的实习课程有开始和结束日期,至少持续120小时.  
  • 实习职位描述: 首先要详细描述职位,明确任务或项目. 中提交这些详细信息 实习的建议.
  • 确定的雇主导师: 实习要求学生在其学习领域得到内容专家的指导.
  • An understanding of the legal issues and best practices for experiential learning experiences (internships) position statement by 全国大学和雇主协会.
  • Follow U.S. 劳工部的公平劳动标准法案 确定实习生薪酬的指导方针,并了解该决定的影响. 重要的是,你的实习要遵守美国法律.S. 劳工部公平劳动标准法案.


  1. “接待AACC实习生需要什么??”
  2. 满足所有条件后,完成 实习的建议 然后交给实习协调员. Email internships@shjingtedq.com 将提案提交审议.
  3. 在我们的工作公告栏上注册成为提供实习机会的雇主合作伙伴 Riverhawk CareerConnect
  4. 如果你需要帮助来创造你的实习经历,请发邮件 internships@shjingtedq.com


这是雇主和我们机构之间的伙伴关系. AACC不提供实习机会. 我们帮助确定可供考虑的可行人才. 我们与企业合作,了解他们的需求, 明确申请流程并协助招聘. 雇主确定了该职位的最佳人选,然后通知AACC.  



通常, we offer opportunities to participate in various student-centered activities hosted on our Arnold campus as well as AACC at Arundel Mills and the Glen Burnie Town Center to include internship fairs, 演讲和面试. 给AACC的实习协调员发邮件 internships@shjingtedq.com 讨论下学期的选择.





8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.